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Street selling

Posted: Tue 18 Dec, 2018 9:36 am
by TcfL
Walking through Hertford yesterday and came across a male selling 'The Veteran's Journey'. He was displaying a photograph badge and I mistakenly assumed it related to a Forces charity. Cost £3. When I finally arrive home and read it could find no reference to the funds raised going for any work towards ex-Forces personnel and no charity number on the magazine. Feel rather foolish as I am usually so careful to ensure I recognise the charity BEFORE I part with my money. If you go online you will find some references to the publisher of this 'periodical'.

Re: Street selling

Posted: Tue 18 Dec, 2018 1:40 pm
by newcomer
It happens to the best of us! I foolishly used to buy from those Nottingham knockers types and still find it difficult to turn them away.

However, was it this guy doing the selling?

https://thewaltercumpershunterclub.word ... onfession/

As he claims to have stopped doing it according to that site!

Re: Street selling

Posted: Wed 19 Dec, 2018 10:32 pm
by TcfL
In the article you post (Aug 18) it shows that the publication is Issue 1 (FREE MERCH with every issue!) and that is the same one they are pushing. However the vendor I met is not one of those shown.