Local News

Council consulting on sports and leisure policies

Thursday 10 October 2019

East Herts District Council are currently consulting on draft planning policies affecting sport, recreation and leisure provision in the district.

With a significant number of homes being built in the district over the next 13 years, the council needs to ensure that the new residents have access to open spaces, sport and recreation and other community facilities. The council also needs to make sure that existing facilities are protected and enhanced where appropriate. 

The council's policies are set out in a Supplementary Planning Document that adds detail to the recently adopted District Plan - the council's overarching planning document that governs future development in East Herts. The SPD explains how the council will work to achieve its aims and sets out the obligations that developers must fulfil, how their contributions are calculated and what the council is allowed to ask for. 

Jan Goodeve, executive member for planning said: "High quality open spaces, and sport and recreation options that are easy to reach will mean that everyone can enjoy being active in the way that suits them best. We want to make it as convenient as possible for more people to get involved in sport and leisure. "

To find out more visit the council's consultation portal.

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