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More offices could be converted to flats

Sunday 25 July 2021

An office block in Mead Lane could be converted to housing after a planning application was submitted to East Herts Council.

The plans would see Collier House converted in to 10 one-bed flats and 7 two-bed flats, along with 33 car parking spaces and a new access point to the towpath along the River Lea.

The site is allocated for employment use in the latest District Plan, although government planning rules have made it easier for commercial property owners to modify buildings for residential use.

Collier House is at the end of spur off Mead Lane and is next to a lorry depot

The area is predominantly industrial, having grown up next to the railway line over the last 150 years.

However, the neighbouring site is currently being redeveloped after a government inspector controversially granted planning permission for 375 new homes on the former gas works.

Collier House in next to the site of the former gas works that is being redeveloped 

The practice of converting offices to flats has become increasingly popular with commercial property owners and has been encouraged by government policy. Conbar House in Mead Lane is now residential and neighbouring Expo House could also become flats. Several industrial properties on the Dicker Mill inustrial estate have been converted.

Planning permission has recently been granted to convert offices on the Foxholes Business Park to residential.

Commenting on the Collier House proposals, local councillor Jan Goodeve said: "The proposed homes are on an industrial estate, the loss of any employment space would be regrettable and unlikely to be replaced in the district. There is concern at the continual loss of employment space in the district, the EHDC Economic Development Officer should again be consulted.

"Poor quality public realm unsuitable for residential use, pedestrian access to the flats would be via an industrial access road and a service yard/parking area us. Lack of outdoor amenity space. This would be a dreadful place to have to live, especially for children.

"East Herts District Council has an adopted district plan and has exceeded its housing delivery target and does not need or want poor quality homes being delivered in unsuitable locations."

Town councillor Rosemary Bolton also opposes the plans: "This is an office block in an industrial and employment area with the inherent contamination and noise risks. There is no safe outside green community space. There is inadequate safe access for pedestrians, cyclists or vulnerable people.

"Mead Lane is accessed by only one single road past Hertford East station. This is congested and heavily used by industrial traffic. It cannot support more traffic safely. The building is next to the Lee Navigation, which is not a suitable or safe access route from the pedestrian towpath. The site is at risk of flooding.

"The local infrastructure is woefully inadequate for residential properties. There is a lack of medical facilities, schools, amenities and facilities. The drains in the area are already over capacity and cannot sustain another development or more residential properties.

"The area has already been over developed and another large development has been authorised at appeal against the advice of local planners.

"Hertford has already exceeded the housing need and there is no requirement for more flats."

The building is currently believed to be occupied by Umicore Marketing Services.

Update 20/9/21: Planning permission to convert Collier House to flats has been refused.

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