Local News

Exhibition on Hartham Leisure Centre proposals

Saturday 22 June 2019

East Herts Council are holding an exhibition next week on plans to refurbish and extend Hartham Leisure Centre.

The proposals include a new two storey extension offering 2 multipurpose studios, a soft play zone, a new café facility and a 130 station fitness facility.

The swimming pool and changing areas will also be refurbished.

The proposals are part of a £29m scheme to improve leisure facilities within East Herts and creates the opportunity to provide facilities that meet both the changing needs of leiure users and the growing demand for facilities.

The plans are currently at the outline stage but a detailed planning application is expected in early autumn 2019.

The exhibition will take place at the River Room, Hertford Theatre at 3pm-8pm on Tuesday 25 June, 3pm-7pm on Friday 28th June and 10am-4pm on Saturday 29th June.

For more information visit https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/leisuredevelopment

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